Monday, April 27, 2009

Orthodontists or people who have had braces!?

Im getting braces soon! Whats it like? Can you tell me what its like? I think Im gonna need teeth pulled...whats that like??? What is it like getting the braces put on, getting them tightened, anything like that?? Also, whats a molar band?? I have read people using that term on here and I wanna know what it is! Do people make fun of you?? Help!! I dont know what to expect!! And for the orthodontists on here especially, if I have staright teeth except for one tooth on the top where a baby tooth wouldnt come out, and the tooth came in on over it, if I have a tooth on the bottom that is kinda sideways, like the sides at 11 and 5, lol, and then 2 other teeth barely out of place, but still slightly out of place, how long would I need braces? Oh yeah, I dont think I have an overbite/crossbite.

Orthodontists or people who have had braces!?
Hey, it's ok....I have braces and I've had them for 2-3 hurts when you first get them, before you go....take lots of's fine....for the first week or so focus on eating mostly soup and drinking....the solids can sometimes hurt....(same after you get them tightened) just might need them for long at's hard to one ever makes fun of me....actually, people say they look cool...and just have fun!....i mean, the colors rock! so take advantage of them....and (i never listen....hehehe....) i eat stuff i shouldn't and it doesn't hurt...I'm not saying you should...but they make it sound worse than it really doesn't stick...although, i wouldn't recommend really chewy hope this helps...and'll get used to it....

Reply:the orthodontists told me that it was going to hurt when i got braces but i didn't it only hurts when i get my wire replaced or they bend it some more but it doesn't hurt that bad and the pain is usually gone within a day
Reply:braces feel like you lost the smoothness in your teeth. but, after about 2 days your totally used to the feeling. but, when you first get them on, when you eat youll feel aching all in your mouth and i will have to eat liquidy foods like ice cream. you might sometimes get the same feeling again once there tightened. when you go to get them on and tightened ALWAYS wear chap stick becasue they will stretch out your lips for a long time and they will get dry. getting them on can be really annoying but once there off, its so amazing. i had about 5 of my baby teeth pulled because they wouldnt fall out and its no big deal. you wont even know that they had pulled them. the only part that hurts is when you get a shot in your mouth to knumb it. and your mouth will bleed for all day. instead of using nasty gause to soak up the blood, use tea bags so its not so discusting (my dentist told me to do that and its better!) nobody besides your very own orthadontist can tell exactly how fast your teeth will move but just wait and get it over with. trust me it is so worth it in the end. good luck!
Reply:Braces aren't that bad. I had them for 8-9 years. Pulling teeth isn't bad either. The area around the tooth is numbed up so much that you only feel some pressure. It is out in a blink of an eye. Your teeth get a bit sore when tightened, but nothing that isn't tolerable. Molar band is a band that it put on the back teeth.No one ever made fun of me. i thought they were kind of cool, and you will be glad you did when they come off. If anyone makes fun of you, wait till you see the jealousy on their face when the braces come off, and your teeth and smile are better than theirs!
Reply:Braces are SO! worth it. You will have a beautiful smile and will enjoy it for the rest of your life. You will be given anesthetic, so having your teeth pulled won't hurt. Afterwards, you will be sore. Be sure to follow their instructions. A molar band is a metal band that encircles your molars on each side of your mouth, and keeps your teeth aligned in a perfect arch. At first, you might be self-conscious, but in time, you will forget about it. And be sure to wear your retainer faithfully after your braces come off! Good luck.
Reply:omgoodness. dont worry so much. having braces is a pain in the butt in the beginning and whenever the brackets or wires break. i had 8 baby teeth pulled out that wasnt fun my mouth got swollen and i started drooling everywhere because of the anistetic, but everyones reaction to the anistetic is different. with me i had to have surgery too to have teeth pulled down in place now that was hell i had to get stitches and stuff. when the wires are tightened it doesnt feel bad at first but after an hour your teeth feel sensitive and its hard to eat. but other than that its no biggie. having braces is sooo worth it. my teeth were bucked and crooked now they are str8 and in place i think im gonna need my braces for another year. idk how long youd need braces it depends on your teeth. its all worth it in the end so dont worry so much. its not that bad. hope i helped.
Reply:I know where you can save money on your braces.

Its not insurance but discounted dental program. check it out!!

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