Monday, November 16, 2009

Are there any dentists/orthodontists here i could interview?

1. What courses did you take in highschool in order to get to your career?

2. Did you go to collage for your job? what kind and courses did you take?

3. What is your yearly salary?

4. What social skills does your job require?

5. What are the every day things you deal with at your job?

6.What has been the most challenging obstacle at your job thus far?

7. On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like your job, and why is it your chosen career?

8. How many hours do you work in a week?

9. On a scale of 1-10, what is the stress level of your job? What are your dislikes about it?

10. Finally, if i were to try and pursue your career or one that is similar, what is the first thing I should Do?

Are there any dentists/orthodontists here i could interview?
1. None in particular...just took the courses I needed to graduate. Although I would recommend Biology and chemistry.

2. To get in to dental school...which is beyond college you have classes you need to take (alot of Biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, microbiology, anatomy and physics).

3. Can't give you Mine :) but most dentists make between $120k and $150k Most orhtodontists make at least twice as much.

4. You need social skills more so in this profession than in medical because there are many dentists out there and most patients pick dentists they feel comfortable with.

5.Patients in pain...nervous patients...and of course the procedures themselves

6.Dealing with insurance companies...they tend to be tough to deal with and teaching patients the importance of good oral health

7. 9....I have always wanted to be a dentist...difficult to explain why...i really admired my dentist

8. 40...but most dentists work less

9. 7... Dentist are surgeons and surgery is stressful. I hate having to give children is as tough on me as it is on them.

10. If you are in high school....ask your dentist if you can shadow him for a day. This will give you an idea of what a dentist goes through each day. It will also give you a better idea if it something you could see yourself doing for a career.

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