Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why dont orthodontists like using clear braces for the bottom teeth?

Because typically clear braces are only used for esthetics (meaning beauty) and are much more costly. Normally, the bottom teeth won't show when you smile, so the dentist will recommend the regular type to save you money. They'll put anything on, as long as you're willing to pay for them.

Why dont orthodontists like using clear braces for the bottom teeth?
mine did.... i had metal braces for a few years, and the last year I had clear braces because they are easier and can fine tune/perfect your teeth better.

but beware if you lose one... prepare to pay up the bum... they are not cheap.... my dental plan (at the time) luckily paid for one full year set. But for everyone I lost after that it was over $100 for each.

it could be your parents not wanting to do it. If you want them... say YOU will pay for them. You are lucky if you are able to get even old school braces, and even luckier to get the snap in braces (the kind most people have)

make sure you wear your retainers afterwards... if not you will need braces all over again.

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