Friday, November 13, 2009

Braces...? People who have braces, orthodontists, or just someone who knows this answer? Thanks!?

What did your orthodontist give you for your braces? Like toothbrush, wax, and stuff like that!

God Bless you and have a very merry CHRISTmas!!

Braces...? People who have braces, orthodontists, or just someone who knows this answer? Thanks!?
toothbrush, wax, mirror (to look behind the teeth), the things for threading floss, and the pick you use to clean between the brackets.

there was once a time when i had to wear rubber bands, so he gave me those as well. And another time, I had to wear a jaw expander (something on the roof of my mouth), so he gave me something to twist the expander. It's quite complicated.
Reply:a toothbrush with a "canal" or a Dip in the middle to fit over the braces...

Peices of blue "loops" so you can pull the floss through the braces (like a needle-threader)

I think they gave me wax but I just bough it at the store

A travel toothbrush (i think it had the dip in it)
Reply:It has been a year now with me wearing braces. The orthodontics gave me some tooth brushes that comes with toothpaste on the bristles, wax, instructions, do's and don'ts and pamphlets on how to take care of your teeth properly. They also give you a bag of floss.The kind that are made for people with braces. It is easier to use rather than the regular string floss.

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