Sunday, May 16, 2010

My orthodontist finally said my braces can come off; but my Dad is picking out this one little imperfection!?

Basically I saw my orthodontist today and she said my teeth were perfect aside from this one tooth at the bottom which isn't quite straight (I can't see where it isn't so it obviously isn't that obvious to an untrained eye.) She's a very busy orthodontist and she said she can fit me in within a fortnight if I want to make the appointment, otherwise it will take THREE MONTHS to sort out that one little niggle of a tooth.

I am desperate to get the braces off since they tear the inside of my mouth apart. So I agreed to schedule the appointment. ONE DAY before my birthday.

I got home and told my Dad about my decision but he's all for doing another three months. This means I will have a tightening up appointment and be in pain on my 17th birthday.

If I have the braces off with the little niggle will it get worse as I get older? Please advise on how to convince my father...

My orthodontist finally said my braces can come off; but my Dad is picking out this one little imperfection!?
Some little imperfections can be corrected with a retainer. Not the fixed one(wire) but so called "invisible" ( a see through plastic that is sucked down onto a model of your teeth when the braces come off). This is providing there is a space for the tooth to tilt/rotate/move into.

Sometimes they can make a bit of a space by sanding a thin layer of the enamel off to create the space. Or you can ask for Invisalign (but your dad will probably bite your head off - the bill is in the range of 6000 quid).

It really depends on the case.

It can get worse with age, especially if you started with crowded/rotated teeth at the beginning.

Whatever you do - WEAR YOUR RETAINER as directed by your orthodontist. Otherwise you will end up in braces again.

Your dad wants the best for you but having braces is no fun. Try to explain to him why the three months are not feasible for you and that when the dental specialist is happy....

On the other hand - for the three extra months you will have a gorgeous smile for the rest of your life and thats worth the wait for a bit longer.
Reply:tell him it isnt effecting him, its effecting u, and if u feel its rite to take them off now, then do it...
Reply:right i know what its like to want braces of i had mine of 3years ago and i had i tooth that wast quite straight at the bottom i thought it wouldnt matter it was only a bit out an now 3 years on i have to go back in to braces for up 2 6 mouths as they moved evan more and are worse them be4 i had my braces so i would keep them on i no how painful it is but its betterto keep them on for a bit longer than haveing to have them agine cuz they got worse im nerlly 18 and wish i kept mine on then a bit longer
Reply:I know you want these things off. They are so much work to have and uncomfortable. But think about how much time and effort you have invested in getting your teeth to where they are now. After all of that, why would you settle for anything less than perfect? It's only three months which in the grande scheme of things is nothing compared to the years you've already had them. I suspect that is what your Dad is thinking. Don't short change yourself because you're impatient to get treatment overwith.

Good luck!

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