Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is there an Orthodontist in the house??? Molar bands...?

Hey all! I got my braces on on Monday and the molar bands are really annoying, mainly because of the little "cleats" on the inside of the band (on the lingual side of the band). Does anyone know what the point of these cleats are (other than being some sort of medieval torture device)? Are there any orthodontists out there that can tell me the actual purpose of the cleats??? Sorry to post this again, but I haven't gotten any real answers yet!

Is there an Orthodontist in the house??? Molar bands...?
The cleats are used to help with rotations, space closure, and elastics. For example, if a tooth is rotated, a chain can be attached to the cleats on the lingual, causing the tooth to rotate. Sometime cross-elastics are needed to help correct a crossbite. The rubber bands attach on the lingual cleat to the outside of the opposing arch.

Sometimes the cleats will bend outwards and cause more pain. If this happens, you can push them in toward the band. Also, wax can be used if soreness persists. If its really bad, ask the orthodontist if they will be needing it. Sometimes they can be polished off if they will not be used.

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