Sunday, May 16, 2010

Question on orthodontist's work?

Would I be safe to go to a orthodontist if I have a jaw problem (TMJ) and a wisdom tooth problem (it's hurting my mouth when I eat)? I might need this tooth removed.

Do D.D.S orthodontists work with patients with my conditions? or do they only do braces?

Question on orthodontist's work?
No, this is something you would generally see a regular dentist for.
Reply:im not really sure but go and see or cal lthem to see if they do that but if they dont they will prolly tell u somewhere to go
Reply:You would have to get the tooth removed before getting braces - they will do an assessment before beginning treatment. TMJ is not handled by orthodontics, but may be helped by it. The ortho can refer you to the proper professional to help you with the TMJ if necessary.
Reply:I would call a place that does dental and ortho.

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